Sunday, June 3, 2012

The first post

Before we get this whole thing started, I just need to say something.  I have been eating like a middle school boy trying to go up a weight class before the next big wrestling meet.  I eat anything and everything, from giant turkey legs to dunkin' donuts.  That's right, I get the large fry at McDonalds and I'm not ashamed of it (seriously, the large is so much bigger and only like 20 cents more!).  You may be asking yourself, how can you eat with such abandon?  Well, I'll tell  you how.  I'm joining the Peace Corps.

On July 10th, 2012, I will be flying off to Cambodia where I, and approximately 60 other trainees, will live and work for the next 27 months.  More specifically, I'll be teaching English and doing a few other side projects (my fingers are crossed for something library related).  I can't even tell you how excited I am to begin this incredible journey.  That's right, journey.  And yes, this blog will be filled with a lot of cliches, parenthesis, puns, and oxford commas.  So get ready.

However, as with all things exciting, there is always an element of fear.  So I'll be pretty candid when I tell you that I. AM. TERRIFIED.  There are definitely those moments of panic when I think to myself, "There's no way I'm going to be able to speak an entirely different language (the language of Cambodia is Khmer, by the way), live in an entirely different place, meet entirely new people, AND not be eaten by a snake.  But I figure, hey, some other people have done it.  So I probably can, too.  That pretty much wraps up my philosophy on the whole thing.  Well, that, and I plan on keeping a turkey in my room to ward off snakes.  Turns out they're quite the snake hunters.
Just your average turkey.  Takin' names and savin' lives.