Friday, March 22, 2013

Who Runs the World? (Girls!)

This June I am very excited to join up with my province-mates to host a Camp GLOW.  Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) is a great opportunity to help teach young women about the importance of protecting their bodies, preparing for their futures, and preserving their environment.

I interact with many young women every day at school, and I cannot stress enough how important this camp is to me.  During many of my conversations with my female students, they doubt their abilities to take on leadership roles in the class, in their future careers, and in their lives.  One of the girls I spoke with about this camp, didn't even understand the importance of a leadership camp for girls.

Camp GLOW is an opportunity to teach girls that they can do anything they set out to do.  My goal is to make sure every girl goes out of that camp knowing she is unstoppable.

And here's where you come in.  We have to fundraise a little over $3,000 to make this a reality.  We have to pay for the transportation and lodging of almost 100 girls and we want to make sure that as many girls as possible will get to attend this event.  Believe me, every little bit counts.  So even if it's only a few dollars, that's a few dollars we didn't have before.  AND it's a tax deductible charitable donation!  EVERYONE WINS!

Here's the link, if you would like to donate:

Thanks for helping for helping our girls GLOW!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Highs and Lows

My freshman year of college, My floor-mates and I ate dinner together almost every night.  It was no easy feat to schedule around everyone's evening class schedules, but we always enjoyed our dinners.  These dinners would often go on for hours as we continued to talk, drink coffee and, in my case, eat dessert (Freshman 15!).

The best part of these dinners came at the end of the week when we would do something called "Highs and Lows".  During this time we would all go around the table and talk about the best part of our week (the high) and the worst part of our week (the low).  It was such a great way to keep track of how everyone was doing, and the big events in everyone's lives.  

So the following post is going to be my high and low of this week.  Who knows!  I may start throwing these at the end of my posts from now on!

I always like to start with the low so we can end on a positive note:-)

LOW: I found out that I have yet another week of no classes.  This will be week number three of no teaching.  While I have enjoyed the time off, I really do love teaching, as it gives me a sense of purpose, and most importantly, something to do!

HIGH: Today, one of my English Club students used the word "hearsay" correctly in a sentence.  Most of you know that I am a complete mock trial nerd, so any legal term like this really makes my ears perk up (and for any mockers reading my blog, I definitely had a "trigger-word" response and was instantly formulating a response with an exception under 803).

The best part about this is that I didn't even teach her that word.  This particular student has been asking me about ways to help her study on her own, in addition to the two times a week she meets with me.  So I've been lending her books and telling her to look up any words she doesn't know, and telling her to read as much as possible.  It is so amazing to me that this young lady has gained so much autonomy in her learning, something that is not common in Cambodia.  This is sustainability at its finest.  Giving a student the tools and confidence to know that they can learn on their own is something that I strive to do during my time here.

Lastly, the smile that spread across her face when I told her how amazing it was that she learned that word on her own, and used it correctly, was priceless.