Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Water Rocket Project

For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, I thought I'd let you share in the fundraising fun!  I will be writing a much more detailed blog about this project once it's completed, but for now I'm in the beginning stages and working to just get enough money to complete my final project in my community.
My final project consists of this: taking the entire school and getting them to build rockets out of plastic bottles, plastic sheeting and tape.  They will then propel these rockets using water and an air pump.  There will be a huge contest to see which rocket travels the farthest, so they'll have to use their smarts to figure out the perfect pressure and angle to use.  This project was completely thought up and designed by one of my amazing Cambodian counterparts, I'm just helping out with the budgeting and planning, which is exactly how I like it.

This project is really important to me, because science education in Cambodia is lacking any hands-on experiments or real-life application.  I don't think I would have made it through a single science class without those, so it's amazing what these kids have been able to learn despite that.  I mean, can you imagine biology without microscopes or chemistry without test tubes?

This project requires very little sophisticated equipment, and after the air pumps are purchased and the launchers made, my school will be able to use them year after year and repeat this project with very little cost to them.  Sustainability is my middle name!  

Everyone has been AMAZING so far and even though my grant has only been up for 4 days I only have $63.50 left to raise.  Even if you can only take care of that last 50 cents, I'll be eternally grateful!

Just follow this link and remember that all your donations to Peace Corps go directly to the community AND they are tax deductible!  What a deal!

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